Kumiko Azetsu-Scott

The IWB committee is delighted to announce Dr. Kumiko Azetsu-Scott who will be presenting “Ocean acidification; how data are collected and used” in the breakout session Ocean Information Systems Dr. Kumiko Azetsu-Scott is a research scientist at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (Department of…

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Announcing Cristian Suteanu

The Information Without Borders Conference Committee is delighted to announce Dr. Christian Suteanu, who will be speaking in the breakout session entitled "Mapping, Modelling & Climate Informatics" at the 2015 conference. Dr. Suteanu is an Associate Professor at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, cross-appointed in the…

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Presenting Fred Whoriskey

The Information Without Borders conference is excited to announce Fred Whoriskey, who will be speaking on the subject of Oceans Information Systems at the 2015 conference. Dr. Whoriskey is the Executive Director of the Ocean Tracking Network (OTN), a global research infrastructure documenting the…

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Registration is now open!

Registration is now open for the 2015 Information Without Borders Conference.  Come and discuss the topic of Information Management for Climate Change Adaptation, with speakers such as Jason Hollett, Adam Fenech and our opening keynote Steve Easterbrook.  The conference is on February 11, 2015. …

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Introducing Adam Fenech

The Information Without Borders Conference is excited to announce that Adam Fenech, of the University of Prince Edward Island, will be speaking at the 2015 conference, on the subject of Information in Use: Planning & Adaptation Strategies. Dr. Fenech has worked extensively in the area of climate change…

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