Introducing Session Speakers Melissa Helwig, Lara Killian, Katie McLean and Robin Parker!

Melissa Helwig is a Librarian at the W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library at Dalhousie University, primarily teaching and researching with the College of Pharmacy. She has a keen interest in the information seeking behaviours of Health Profession practitioners and students. Other areas of interest to her include the good, the bad, and the ugly of research metrics.


Lara Killian is a Librarian Educator based at the Nova Scotia Hospital. She uses her expertise in plain language, health literacy, and project management to lead development and maintenance of the provincial health authority’s collection of patient and family education documents.


Katie McLean is a Librarian Educator at Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) where she focuses on supporting health professional education and managing the NSHA Library Services’ web presence. She has worked across different types of libraries for over 10 years, specializing in information literacy instruction and outreach.


Robin Parker works as an Evidence Synthesis and Information Services Librarian at the W.K. Kellogg Health Sciences Library and supports undergraduate and postgraduate medical education at Dalhousie’s Faculty of Medicine as well as other researchers across Dalhousie working on evidence synthesis projects. Her research interests include review methods, search filters, and librarians’ teaching approaches.