Introducing 2020 Closing Speaker, Sarah Beanlands

We are pleased to announce our Closing Speaker for the 2020 Information Without Borders conference, Sarah Beanlands! She will be speaking about removing information barriers in archaeology. Sara Beanlands is a founding partner of Boreas Heritage Consulting Inc., an independently owned company of archeology…

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Introducing 2020 Keynote Speaker, Dorene Bernard

We are pleased to announce our Keynote Speaker for the 2020 Information Without Borders conference, Dorene Bernard! She will be speaking about grassroots activism and environmental protection. Dorene is a Mi’kmaq Grassroots Grandmother, Water Protector, Water Walker, and Survivor of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School.…

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Student Competitions Now Open!

The 14th annual student-run Information Without Borders Conference will take place on February 11th, 2020. This year's conference theme is Information at Home. The IWB Conference hosts two competitions to showcase student research from graduate students currently enrolled at Dalhousie University: the Student Poster Competition and…

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Announcing Information Sharing Platform: GreyLit

This year one of IWB's sponsors is GreyLit, a platform that allows members to publish instantly, be reviewed by true peers in real-time, and be shared globally, allowing authors to get feedback and analytics on unpublished works. Users gain access to interdisciplinary, user-generated research,…

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