Patti Bannister (she/her)
Nova Scotia Archives

Patti Bannister has been a part of the archival profession for over 25 years. Spending the first decade of her career at the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador where she held a variety of positions including Archival Assistant (Client Services), Manuscript Archivist, Education and Outreach Archivist and Manager. Upon relocating to Nova Scotia, she became the Congregational Archivist for the Sisters of Charity, Halifax and entered the world of private archives, managing both the archival and records management programs for the Congregation’s international missions. In 2013 she became the Manager of Nova Scotia Archives, returning to her roots in government.
Patti is currently the Provincial Archivist and Director, Nova Scotia Archives. Additionally, she is a member of the Council of Provincial & Territorial Archivists and the National, Provincial, Territorial Archivists Council; and serves as Chair of the Libraries, Archives, Museums Nova Scotia Steering Committee. Patti has been a Lecturer in the School of Information Management since 2013 and is an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Graduate Studies (Department of History) at Dalhousie. In 2021 she was honored to receive the Faculty of Management Part Time Teaching Award.